Those who say, that fortune can not be bought, have not realized, that puppies exist.
Diva Sugar and Spice of Lionhill
Diamond Blank Dagos Goldset
Owner Bianka Schiffer Scheltwort
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Diamond Blank Dagos Goldset
including pedigree
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Diva Sugar and Spice of Lionhill
19. March 2018
April 22, 2018 - 4 weeks and 6 days old
It is still sunny
(our summer this year?) But the wind is very fresh.
The ground is cool and therefore the little ones can not be out so long.
But: they love and enjoy it - especially with Mom.
Dieser Blick!!! Unser kleiner Schelm!!!
Hurray, the tunnel is back. Diva loves him. She learned that from Mama Anouk. Anouk already passed throug with her puppies. And now again Diva, as with the F-litter. The bravest so far were purple and yellow - two girls !!!
Puppy children visit for the puppy dogs.
Mama Diva educates and plays with her little ones and controles everything.
Heute gibt es ein paar "Einzelstudien", sofern die Photos gut sind.
Rot und Blau
Grün gegen Gelb
Das hatten wir schon mal, erst so tun, als ob man flüstert und dann -aua- einfach zubeißen :-)).
Aber die Kleine wehrt sich!!
Blau (das Halsband).
Shit happens,
Eingeschlafen - Abgerutscht
Beide Seiten sind meine schöne Seite, bleibt die Frage, welche ist die Schönere?
Die Familien Idylle
27. April 2018 - 5 weeks and 4 days old
Finally the sun shines again for a moment. So get out into the garden.
Bislang hat es noch kein Welpe geschafft, auf die Holzterrasse zu klettern.
The smallest was the first !!!
Immediately the tunnel is "in operation"
It's kind of glorious to watch this little setter emptying the food ring. They are highly concentrated with so much zeal. And these sounds just - really loud. 😊
5. and 6. week
The toys are getting more and more intresting...
April 16, 2018 4 weeks old - we start into the 5. week
.....but when mom comes, everything stops and everyone just wants to go to the "gas station"..
Subsequently, a cozy place to "fall over" is sought. The cat basket is very popular for this.
April 17, 2018 - 4 weeks and 1 day old
And again in the "running" picture: The puppy milk is very well received.
My name is not Diva,
I am a diva !!!
Actually, it was not planned, but, since it is so warm outside, we already use the conservatory today. First of all, all are very timid, but because Mama lures with the milk bar, everyone can "overcome" to get outside.
It's nice to see how
quickly the puppies adapt to new surroundings and other smells, sounds and
undergrounds when Mom is there and gives them security.
The more they experience in these first weeks, the greater the certainty
they gain for life.
Diva starts early with her education:
"That's called playing, and if you do too much, it hurts."
And in the end, everyone gets tired quickly and cuddles against each other, or to their people.
April 18, 2018 - 4 weeks and 2 days old
Everyone enjoys the wonderful, warm sunshine!
Here they look more like little rabbits .... the Easter time just passed.:-))
The little girls assert themselves against the boys.
April 19, 2018 - 4 weeks and 3 days old
April 29, 2018 - 5 weeks and 6 days old
It is said that one remains young with one's own children (and grandchildren).This also seems to apply to dogs. Diva starts more and more often to play with puppy toys, even to carry the toy out of the puppy room. 😊
The afternoon brought us a few minutes of sun today. This was exploited immediately. It is still very cold and uncomfortable.
Three times Bobby!
He is not the first puppy, but he is the first dog in the doghause. However, he is still struggling with the longboard. :-))
Our little mouse with the yellow collar is not much better. :-))