Those who say, that fortune can not be bought, have not realized, that puppies exist.
Anouk Princess of Lionhill
Scout Red Irish Man of Green Land
Owner Gaby Kleemann
Details to,
Scout Red Irish Man of Green Land
including pedigree
Details to,
Anouk Princess of Lionhill
including pedigree
15. May 2012
After the fight I need a nap.
Mika and Rene visiting niece and nephew of their Buddy (from the B-litter)
14. June 2012, 4 weeks and 2 days old (5. week)
Morning sun and breakfast on the terrace
One more pic to adore
16. June 2012, 4 weeks and 4 days old (5. week)
Some pictures to adore or fall in love!
15. Junie 2012, 4 weeks and 3 days old (5. wek)
Die ganzen letzten Tage und Wochen war das Wetter so gut, dass die Kleinen immer mal zwischendurch hinaus konnten. Gestern war es so schlimm mit dem Regen, dass die Welpen als Alternative unsere Wohnküche erobern durften.
Seit ein paar Tagen schon spielen die Welpen mit ihrer Mutter draußen im Garten.
24. Juni 2012, 5 Wochen und 5 Tage alt (6. Woche)
22. Juni 2012, 5 Wochen und 3 Tage alt (6. Woche)
5. and 6. week
This Video is created by chance.
Of course all little females are going to fight (play) with the rude.
This kind of playful fighting is a very important part of their socialization.
- and a real grabber!
Grrrrr.....I'm a dangerous dog -
"callow youth"
13. Junie2012, 4 weeks and 1 day old (5. week)
ANOUK examins the-"human-puppys" and has a keen eye on them but definitely calm.
She let them do, because she gets aquainted with such situations both, during her own puppy -time and later on during her grown up also.
......including spectators!!!
At the "filling station".......
Bitch(Yellow collar)
Bitch (Orange collar)
Bitch (Green collar)
Bitch (pink collar)
Rude (Blue collar)
than we introduce our selves.
Bitch (Light-blue collar)
First we discover the garden.
puppy games
18. June 2012, 4 weeks and 6 days old (5. week)