Tayla My Shy Typhoon of the Red Flash
Bram vom Platanengrund
Owner Ellen ten Brink
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Tayla My Shy Typhoon of the Red Flash
including pedigree
31. December 2008, 24 Days old and still young
Those who say, that fortune can not be bought, have not realized, that puppies exist.
3. and 4. week
subsequently toppel down again and rest with Mama on the 'dreamcatcher pillow'
all awake and instantly comming into action
03. Januar 2009, 27 Tage jung
where the deuce is my feed??
Exhausting work - BYRON trys to assemble the tunnel
First puppy milk....it's very very diffucult to take it up!
01. January 2009, 25 Days young
.....fighting dogs?
.....play dogs....?
awake - what's on now...?
The dreamcatcher pillow
different types of beauty nap
their first toys
ANOUK is visiting her
They still are very suspect.
28. December 2008, 3 weeks young
my teeth are already very large, arn't they?
awake: that is playing
27. December 2008, 20 Tage jung
26. Dezember 2008, 19 Tage jung
Establishing first Contact - first shaping
....but Mama is wathching and taks care
Frst try to outbreak.....
23. December 2008, 16 Days young
First 'play around'
A peck for Mama
22. December 2008, 15 Days young