Playing with Mum makes quite a lot of fun . Crokodiles in private
8. - 15. February 2009 - The first week at the new home playing in the snow with the other (human) children .
I'm further grown up....
Prey.... ????
Following play -- relax. A very typical position for our setters, sofar they feel safe and secure.
18. February 2009 The first time back at " parent's house ", visiting Mum and sister ANOUK.
"I haven't made anything..."
February - April 2010
January 2010:
Striking head
Elegant, beautifull, aristocratic
Juni 2009:
Three jolly kids...
1.April 2009:
....again three weeks later.........sligthly improved
6.März 2009:
Three weeks later........still not stromg enough
13. März 2009:
Dieser Blick
Februar / März 2009:
Die Jungs unter sich
The Little Prince
May 2014
May 2012